Beginner HIIT Workout For Women

HIIT Workout for Every Girl to Get a Dream Body

If you’re new HIIT, or understanding generally , this routine could also be an ideal place to start out out . You’ll use only your bodyweight, and every move is low impact—so if you’re overweight, or have back, knee, or shoulder problems, these exercises shouldn’t aggravate them.

Directions: Perform reps of each exercise successively for 30 seconds, resting 15 seconds between sets. After you complete one round, rest a couple of minute (more if you’d like to), then repeat for 3 to 5 rounds.

Workout duration: 20–30 min.

1. Squat Twist
Step 1. Stand with feet between hip and shoulder-width apart and cross your arms before your chest to help you balance. Twist your feet outward and into to the bottom (as if you were standing on turf and trying to twist it up beneath your feet), but without moving their position—you just want to form tension and feel your hips and glutes fire up . you need to feel the arches in your feet rise.

Step 2. Begin to lower your body, pushing your knees apart and sitting back as if into a chair. Go as low as you’ll while keeping your head, spine, and pelvis during an extended line. If you’re feeling your tailbone is on the brink of tuck under, stop there.

Step 3. Come up out of the squat and twist your torso to the left, raising your left knee into the air 90 degrees. Squeeze your abs. Reverse the motion and repeat the squat, twisting to the opposite side.

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2. Reach and Crunch
Step 1. From standing, pull your ribs down and tuck your tailbone slightly so as that your core is braced. Raise your arms straight overhead—keep your core tight so as that your ribs don’t flare and your back doesn’t hyperextend.

Step 2. Twist your torso to the left as you bring your left knee up and pull your arms down, as if delivering a knee strike. Crunch your abs, trying to bring your ribs and hips together.

3. Shuffle Punch
Step 1. Stand with feet together and your arms chambered at your sides, ready to throw straight punches.

Step 2. Shuffle your feet to your left and land during a deep squat with feet outside shoulder width. As you drop into the squat, punch your right arm straight out, then shuffle to the right and punch along side your left arm.

4. Squat and Reach
Step 1. Perform a squat as you almost certainly did within the squat twist above, but start along side your arms bent before you, as if you had just curled a barbell. Squat until your elbows touch your knees.

Step 2. begin of the squat quickly therefore the momentum causes you to return au courant the balls of your feet. Reach your arms overhead while keeping your ribs pulled down and core engaged.

5. Side-To-Side Knee Drivers
Step 1. Stand with feet outside shoulder width and reach your arms overhead and slightly to the left.

Step 2. Draw your arms down while driving your right knee up and to the left, as if delivering a knee strike. Repeat on the opposite side.

6. mountaineer

Step 1. Get into the very best of a pushup then drive your right knee to your chest while keeping your hips level with the bottom .

Step 2. Replace your right foot and lift your left knee to your chest. Continue alternating sides at a brisk pace.

7. Table Top Reach and Lift
Step 1. Sit on the bottom with feet planted before you and hands underneath your shoulders. Brace your core.

Step 2. erupt your heels to spice up your hips off the bottom . Raise your left leg straight out in front of you and reach for it along side your right arm. Lower your hips and repeat on the other side.

Step 3. Raise your hips into a full table-top position, tucking your pelvis under slightly and bracing your core so as that your lower back doesn’t hyperextend within the highest position.

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